Category: Culture

Keeping the *Character* in Education

Character in our Curriculum To achieve a critical component of its mission, developing “citizens of impeccable character”, Classical Charter Schools embedded its Character Education program into its curriculum from day one. Once per week, all scholars engage in a Character Education lesson with their Dean of Students. Each unit is

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DEI: Increasing Representation in Curriculum and Classroom Libraries

Curricular Initiatives Classical sparked an initiative to improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our reading curriculum and the work we have done here is paying off. These changes launched back in 2020 and, since then, our curriculum team has been working to increase representation in the texts scholars read. The

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Black History Month: School Celebrations

Each February, we celebrate Black History Month at our schools by honoring important people and events in Black history. This is especially important given the demographics of our community in the South Bronx. We want our children to recognize and celebrate the vast contributions made by Black citizens in American

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Back to Basics: A Foundation for Excellence

Making Culture a Priority If you truly want to be an effective teacher, shaping and maintaining a strong classroom culture must be a priority from the first day of school until the last. Often, we focus the first few weeks of the school year on establishing routines. Classical’s founding Dean,

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“Classical (and Critical) Conversations”

Amid a busy week in structured learning time, our scholars look forward to a more relaxed forum for weekly group discussion. “Classical Conversations” was rolled out at Classical Charter Schools in recent years. It is an unscripted, unstructured time of day in which teachers, and sometimes scholars, select the topic

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Cooling Down: Practicing Self-Regulation

Cool Down In 2020, Classical Charter Schools modified its behavior management system to better serve its scholars. Formerly, our system relied primarily on the concept of reflection. Once scholars receive a certain number of verbal notices, they transition to a separate space in the classroom to reflect on their behavior

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Supporting Staff Mental Health

Before your employees are employees, they are people first. They, like you, have their unique struggles and circumstances. Supporting their work in creating their best possible life augments what they bring into their jobs. As leaders of teams, schools, or organizations, you want to give them all the tools they

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Making Strategies Stick For Young Readers

There is something incredibly rewarding about teaching children to read and witnessing first-hand that “a-ha!” moment where a strategy you’ve been teaching finally clicks. Not only does the child get it, but they start to implement it independently instead of pausing to look toward you for the answer or support.

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What Happens When Schools Adopt a Startup Culture.

You may be in one of two places. Either, you’ve just survived the holidays with each and every family member asking the dreaded question, “What are you plans after graduation?” Or, you’ve spent the last few months (or years) thinking that you need a change; the job you thought would

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Four Micro-Tips for Motivating Students

One of the most difficult and important aspects of being an educator is learning how to motivate your students. Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively. They might go through the motions, but they won’t retain the information or participate and some may even display unwanted behaviors.  The

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Enroll Today!

Classical Charter Schools is 4x recipient of the National Blue Award for Excellence. We offer busing to and from school, free tutoring, after-school programs and additional programs to support children to become well-rounded individuals.
Enrollment applications open November 1st at all four schools in the South Bronx. Apply now, before spaces run out.   Please see the memo from our Executive Director about our 2022 State test results.
Step into SBC II’s World: Experience Our Virtual Tour Spotlight Explore our exceptional learning environment and see what sets us apart.
Elevate your understanding of New York charter schools with guidance from our accomplished experts at Classical Charter Schools, a distinguished NYC network and four-time National Blue Ribbon award winner. Uncover the essentials of effective models, the impact of central oversight organizations, and methods for enduring success. Perfect for school leaders and education enthusiasts, join forces with our award-winning team to transform education. Click the button to fill out a form and connect with us!
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